A General Guide to Women's Health & Wellness

For a woman, today life is not easy. You have to be a daughter, a mother, a caregiver, a leader, a pioneer, and an occasional superwoman. All these in a male dominated society and dare you forget to be beautiful, sexy and gracious. All this work and stress can and will eventually strain a woman's body and mind. There is, therefore, a need for you as a woman to know a little about women's health and wellness and how to stay as healthy as possible.

What to avoid

STDs and UTIs

Sexually transmitted diseases or infections and urinary tract infections are to be avoided at all costs. An example is the HPV virus that has is to about 99% of all cervical cancers. Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and syphilis at their worst are equally destructive. The effects of these diseases may include, infertility, occurrence of ectopic pregnancies, loss of brain function and even death.

It is not all gloom however as most of these diseases can be avoided by taking necessary precautions or preventive measures. Condoms and vaccines are always good options from this website.

Drugs and Alcohol

Use of drugs especially smoking is also a definite no. One should take alcohol in moderation and, as they say, responsibly. For a woman drug abuse and specifically smoking may cause complications such as; Problems getting pregnant, early menopause, and irregular menstrual cycles just to mention a few. Please say no to drugs.


As a woman, you will feel the need to solve all the problems in your environment. You need to stop and breathe. Do not overwork yourself. As earlier mentioned in this article, stress has and will make you sick. High blood pressure and hormonal imbalances are some of the women health issues linked to stress. Hormonal imbalances, especially have an affect your menstrual cycle, your sex drive, sudden weight gain and weight loss, etc. Read http://fitness.wikia.com/wiki/The_Most_Effective_Nutrition_Tips_To_Help_You_Lose_Fat for some effective tips to lose fat.

What to Indulge in

Work Out for an Hour Every Day

Exercise is a good way to keep your body fit. If your job limits your movements, working out is an effective way for you to put your weight in check.

Visit Your Doctor Regularly

Regular medical checks will not only give you access to more information about your health, they will also help you preempt any illnesses or complications. Such checkups include; pap smears, breast cancer screening, etc. Click this for more information about health and wellness.

Remember your health as a woman should be one of your biggest concerns. The decisions you make about your lifestyle should ultimately lead to you and those you care about becoming healthier.